Those who know me well also know that I have blogged in the past. When I was blogging semi-regularly at liberty egg, one of the things that I often struggled with was how to balance work or professional thinking and writing with personal posting. If I want to build a set of posts that reflect my professional work, do I really want to post pictures of my kids in the same place? Likewise, do all of my friends and family care about the nuances of online marketing?
So as I was thinking about creating and managing my online profile, it occurred to me that I needed more than one place online to post my thoughts and think out loud. So this place will now be where I talk about those things I deal with professionally – marketing, the web, technology, and how businesses are creating a new economic model. Exciting stuff for me. If it’s not exciting for you and you are here for my personal life or thoughts, go to liberty egg where I will rebuilding my personal blog soon.